Top 5 Future Technologies We Would Like to See in our Cars

 Seeing how the car market is becoming packed with newer and newer technological advancements that we could only dream of only a decade ago, it is obvious that we are in for some serious displays of innovation. Rear view parking cameras and built-in GPS / Nav systems are old news, and we are bracing ourselves for something more daring and interesting. It is however hard to imagine, sometimes, what direction will technology take us, as far as the luxury car is concerned.

We at Exec Armor did some thinking and asked around. The result is this list of top five anticipated technologies that car users would really like to see integrated in their future vehicles. With the perfect understanding that the sky’s the limit, we will still try and keep things realistic, reviewing ideas that have a strong chance of becoming reality in the nearest future.

1. Chameleon Cars

Imagine a car that can change its color at the click of a button.
here’s where we got the idea
Or a car that can change its color to match the color of the majority of cars on the road? What if you don’t want your beautiful blue luxury vehicle to attract too much attention as you park it on a side street somewhere? Or you really have to impress someone. Just press the appropriate option and your car will all of a sudden look like a nondescript dingy old model with “rust” and “scratch” marks to put off potential car thieves. Come back from dinner and click the other option to restore it to its former beauty and drive away safely.

2. Windshield Big Screen TV

This is a million dollar idea and we are positive that someone is working on it as we speak. You take the family to the beach or on a road trip. You make a stop and want to relax or have the children occupied while you are setting up camp or doing some shopping in a nearby store. The small car-seat DVD screens are a real disappointment, and we all know it. The sound is awful and the picture is so small you might as well switch and watch the movie from your phone. Being able to stop and turn the entire windshield into a screen, now that could be really amazing!

3. The Car that Drives itself Home

This is also a good, useful idea. No, we don’t mean driverless in the sense that it will take you home after a dinner. That is something the driver can do, or worst case scenario, there is always the option to take a cab. No, we mean like in those cases when you take your car somewhere, where you don’t want the driver to take you, but then you are stuck with your vehicle. Especially if you join someone in their car and have to leave yours behind. Wouldn’t it be great to just tell the car to go home and park itself in the garage or driveway?

4. Outside Airbags

As simple as it sounds, same as a regular airbag, only on the outside. The one inside the car saves you from the impact, and the one outside saves the car some costly damages. Not bad, right?
We hear the tech is already in development
so it shouldn’t be long before we see it on the streets.

5. No Reverse 360 Degree Driving

Get out of or into any tight parking, dangerous tight spot or box trap without having to turn the car around. This is especially useful in the armored car category, where protection from unforeseen danger is one of the top priorities.