Is the Used Armored Car Market Growing?

The armored car market is as big as ever, and growing fast. Especially in regions of the world where economies are in trouble and financial crises turn into real unrest. Those phenomena produce violence and crime on unprecedented scales, making people look for personal safety wherever they may find it.

Seeing how most attacks on business people, tourists and other potential targets occur when they are on the road, the logical choice for anyone who can afford it, is to purchase an armored vehicle. Countries like Nigeria, Albania and other places that have seen their share of death and pillaging, are obviously abundant with armored vehicles as one of the surest means to simply survive the next ride to work.

As the luxury armored vehicle market grows, so does the used armored car market. This is good news both to sellers and buyers, and we would like to examine both perspectives in this article.

The Seller

Having such growing demand for used armored vehicles made it possible for owners of those cars to sell and buy newer, better protected models instead. If until recently, selling a used armored car could take months or more, today it will be gone in a blink of an eye. Instead of going down the long road of having your car refitted with newer protection systems and better plating, all you need to do now is just sell the old one and get a new model to replace the older one.

The Buyer

The typical buyer of the used bulletproof vehicle is the emerging business person who needs the added protection of such a vehicle, but may not be able to afford a new one. Those buyers are enjoying the abundance of choices that the growing used bulletproof car market has to offer, as well as the low prices as more cars are being sold by previous owners who decide to acquire newer, better protected models.

Another buyer type for this is the company that purchases a new vehicle for a dignitary or celebrity and several more, used ones for the escort. No doubt that the escorting cars in such a cortege need to be bulletproofed, but do they necessarily have to be new? Not at all.

Sometimes the extra armored car is purchased simply to have a spare or fall-back option. It will mostly just sit there, but if the primary car breaks down or needs maintenance, there will be no time wasted on finding a substitute. Sad to say, but it may also be needed in case the owner is away from the estate when the family has to make a quick getaway in a hurry. Having another car on the driveway simplifies this situation, making it manageable.

When you buy a used bulletproof car, however, there are a few things we would recommend you to do before you get too comfortable. Buying a used armored car is still a bit risky, so make sure you take it to a facility where it can get thoroughly examined. If the vehicle has sustained damage before, it will likely have weak spots that need to be reinforced to ensure the car has due protection. In addition, there are new tire grades coming out now that are far safer in case of firearm use or other similar dangers, and the used car won’t have. Take the extra step and change the tires to a new, safer grade.

After all, peace of mind is also important, and it is better be safe than sorry, especially when the used bulletproof vehicles are concerned. Good luck and safety to you from Exec Armor!